Tuesday, November 22, 2011

5 weeks and a picture

Tomorrow marks 5 weeks since we passed court! The Embassy has kept up posted (they do not do this for everyone) on our status, yesterday was suppose to be the birth mother interview, we found out at 1:45 this morning our time, that the interview did not happen and was rescheduled for next week.  While this may not be a HUGE deal, it crushed us.  We know that after that so many things can happen, we could get clearance or they could want to investigate more, we were semi prepared for whatever they told us, but to have all that delayed for another week we were not prepared for.  I am not sleeping well, I just miss her so bad.  But, we wait as there is nothing else we can do.
Boy I cannot to get her in my arms again!


  1. I am so happy for you and your beautiful daughter! Your smiles are so heart warming. Hope the wait is short to bring her home. :)

  2. She's beautiful! Waiting is so hard ... Praying for you.

  3. I can understand.... To know it didn't occur would crush me too... At least you have an idea what is happening.

  4. Great photo! You all look so happy to be together. I want to see more!

  5. Thanks so much for the sweet comment on my blog. You really made me feel good. It won't be to long until your little gal is home. I am so looking forward to hearing about her and seeing pictures. :) Kala
