Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What do I write?

Highlight of my day? Well we sent off our home study & I-600 today! We should be set with our dossier in 6 weeks! Yippee then it is just wait time!  Over the last few weeks we had been pretty stressed about this, not the wait time but the turn in of the dossier, with that we would need to turn in a huge lump sum of money.  We had no idea how we were going to do this, ok well that is not totally true, we had been cutting back on everything the past few months- no Starbucks,no shopping,  only lunch from home....we began a Facebook campaign and saw some nice traction from our friends.  But it was not putting a dent I'm what we needed, so this past weekend we had a garage sale, we were pretty proud of the money we made and Duane sold his entire cd collection- we are talking 20 years worth of music.... But still just a ding in what we needed.  We knew it would happen though R is our son we were just worried if we had to push back another month that leaves him without a family for that much longer, that leaves me without my son.
But...there was nothing we could do.  Well long story long...check out HONY on Facebook! You will see what happened!

R, tonight is no different I miss you so much and I would do anything to have a new picture of you! There are now thousands of people that feel a love for you, I hope you can feel it! You probably don't know what it is but know it is compassion, love, it is humanity.  You are a very special boy and I can't wait to have you in my life!

1 comment:

  1. I think I speak for many when I say we would love to hear about where your adoption of Richard is currently at. I have been looking around the internet and I haven't found any follow up since the HONY post and IndieGogo fundraiser. I know lots of people would love an update.
