Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So last night I went to bed, ready to fall right asleep and then it hit me...I don't bake...I cook meals and I can open a mix and make a cake and properly cook ready to bake cookies, but I don't bake from scratch.  I began to panic, what will I bake for my kids, I want to be the kind of  mom that makes homemade goodies, my grandmother always had cake, my mom had cookies and monkey bread, my mother-in-law to this day makes peanut butter candy and yummy ice cream I lay there thinking, what will I learn...I have time and so all these different ideas ran through my head and then I panicked again!  Called my mom tonight she laughed and so no worries!  She told me that when women get pregnant they get the "mom" hormones, and that mine might be starting and that when I see my babies the hormones will go into over drive and the baking will come naturally!!! We laughed, definitely made me feel better!!

So we have officially heard from our social worker!  She cannot meet us until end of October...ugh...but at least we have one and are continuing to move forward! I continue to remind myself this is on Gods time not mine!  Our kids don't need us yet! Going to start of the dossier as well- I am completely intimidated by it! But need to get ahead of it. 


  1. On God's time not ours isn't easy now, but aren't you excited to see what's in store down the road! And don't worry about the baking. Pillsbury's got you covered :)

  2. Ugh, get used to the "Hurry up and wait" mentality that is IA! Hang in there!

  3. I found a cookbook that is all fantastic cookies you can make out of the rolls of refrigerated dough you can buy at the store. It's called Cookie Dough Fun. I don't bake either, but this has some fantastic cookies that LOOK really cool. My kids think I'm amazing and even the teachers at school and other moms are complimentary. Definitely pick up a copy - you'll love it.

  4. My kids like to "help" me bake - let me tell you, cake mixes are the way to go!!! ;) Monkey bread can be delicious and easily made using Pillsbury biscuit dough (and adding the other ingredients). From scratch isn't always necessary!
