Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dusting off!

I began this blog...well almost 3 years ago! We began the process of our first adoption 3 years ago this month!  It is hard to believe that it has only been 3 years! The year and a half of paperwork and process was...well you can read my blog to see how it was!  But the past year and a half has been AMAZING! Chaltu is the most wonderful, delightful, beautiful child.  She has touched us in ways we could have never imagined.  God truly blessed us.  With that, we begin the process again.  We have been dipping our toes in the adoption pool for about 9 months, we almost took the plunge last summer but it failed before it really started.  But now we are diving in!  Tomorrow we have our intake meeting and it is where it all begins.

I wonder what this second time around will be like, will I be as anxious or scared? Will I have the sleepless nights?  There are so many decisions out there that we still have to make...what Country, what age, how many, are we thinking of gender???

Then I wonder how will Chaltu do, she says she is excited, but I know there is a part of her that is scared, scared we won't love her, scared of what this will mean for her. I know that in the long run everything will be fine with her, but I don't worry about long runs, I worry about the now!

It feels good to be writing again and I hope those of you who use to follow me will join again, as your support, comments and reading your blogs got me through! I leave you with a beautiful picture of our girl!