Sunday, May 13, 2012

how is she acting...

I was asked today how does Chaltu react to fun things like May Procession, Mother, Daughter tea, fancy dresses and all new stuff? 
As I think about it made me want to post about a few things that she is still "going through"

She loves all of it, but when she gets to much (stuff or doing a lot) she still gets over stimulated, her reaction to this?? she wants me, it should all be about her and she wants more and more.  She gets very self-centered.  This happened this week with the dresses I bought, as in the same down I also gave her 2 books and a movie, WAY to much spoiling in one day, by the end of the night she had to give me the movie back as her behavior was not appropriate.  My lesson, stuff in small doses, my guess is she subconsciously thinks this could end so better get all she can while we are giving!  I could be totally wrong and she just wants more!!

The other piece she is still going through- being alone, does NOT like to be alone, by alone I mean in a room by herself. She is still sleeping with us, actually me in her bed, but nonetheless, she cannot sleep alone (never has)  she also will not go upstairs without one of us with her, which kind of stinks as she wants to play with her stuff, but is scared to be alone, if I go upstairs to get something and I don't tell her she will ask where I am.  She is really afraid to be left alone, we are working through it and taking small steps to get her comfortable although she did tell me that even when she is married she and her husband will sleep with me and her daddy!!  LOL!!!

so these are two of things we are still working through.  Not too shabby and not anything we cannot handle.  Just thought I would share!!


  1. E is very similar with getting things and wanting them all to herself and acting very self centered. This is tough with three siblings, for her and them. Also, she will not be alone and we are sleeping with her in her bed. So, just thought I'd let you know we are in a very similar situation. We also feel like these are manageable problems.

  2. Yup. Aki does not like to go upstairs unless I go up there. He doesn't like to stay downstairs if I am upstairs. He HATES being alone. I do have him sleep by himself, and he does well, but he has made it very, very clear he would rather not sleep alone. I even try to get him to give a little personal space (ie not wrap himself around everyone) on the couch, and Ashu will try to do the same because Ashu is more Americanized and likes space, and Aki says, in **** house, we always sit together very, very close to keep warm. I really believe it is totally cultural differences.
