Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Month 2

April- May
May- June
June- July
Well we have made it through month number 2.  This month was a bit different than last...the first week or so was OK, the last 3...not so good.  Not sure why but I had a very tough couple of weeks, very emotional- about the adoption, work...life in general I suppose.  The weather was pretty crappy and I am sure that had some to do with it as well.  This week has been better, I have my run on Saturday for which I am ready for about 3/4 of!!  My running stunk the last few weeks too, but I am sure it will be fine. 
My mom has started making more stuff for the kids rooms- she is making some very cool wall blocks with the alphabet and pictures on them, I will post some pictures soon.  She also started making quilts.  While we have no idea of sex or age of our little ones, we are all starting to do things that make it feel real, not forever away.  When people ask me for updates I let them know I am either getting the call today or next year!  It is the best way to frame it.  I have not been reading the blogs lately, Duane fears that was making me a bit depressed as well, so I hope you are all doing well out there! I start training for my Trek across Maine next week (should have started in January!) so that should give me something else to occupy my time as we wait. I am anxious for tomorrows update- hoping to see some referrals for siblings out there!!!! 


  1. I feel for you. I had enough stress waiting back before all of the newest issues arose as far as wait times. Hang in there.

  2. It is a very tough time and you are not alone. And I completely agree that bad weather does terrible things to morale. We finally have some sunshine here which helps! It sounds like you are keeping busy and doing little things along the way to prep for your kiddos. Keep it up! Take a trip if you can. We took a big vacation over the holidays, something we won't be doing next year with 2 little ones around! Even though sometimes you think this will never happen, it will.

  3. I think Duane is a pretty smart guy. The blogs can make it feel like everything is tragic and depressing. But keep in mind...a lot of those blogs are by people who are caught up in the eye of the storm. By the time you get a referral, things will have settled down and you will know a lot more what to expect. I agree with Meg - take a vacation. Do something just for you that you may not get to do for a while. And keep on counting...
    15 months and still counting...
