Wednesday, March 14, 2012

She had a dream

The other night Chaltu had a dream about her first mom, myself and Duane.  We were all together, how beautiful is that!  She was telling me about it last night, which prompted us to play a new "game" what do you miss about....A few weeks ago when she was grieving and I was struggling to get her to open up a fellow adoptive mom suggested that I relate to her in things I am sad about.  So now we have a great game which allow her to openly speak about what she loves, misses...and feel safe as I am doing the same thing.  Last night she really opened up and started telling me stories about playing with her brothers and sisters.  She misses them very much.  We went back and forth for about 30 minutes, I learned so much from her.  Overall the whole thing broke my heart, why did she have to leave her first family.  I am pretty sure she does not know why and there is not yet the opportunity for us to talk about it (I am creating a safe zone for her and will not push it).  I think there is a lot of confusion there which is completely understandable, it makes me very sad for her.  I know that she is happy here, she is bonding well with us still, she is a survivor though and realizes this is her forever home and I think a part of that makes her sad (which is a GREAT thing- she has emotions).  I will never let her forget her first family and all that she did with her siblings- we laughed so hard last night at some of the funny stuff we have both done that we cried. 
What I did realize last night though is that we need to make sure we are doing things that create new memories for her.  I know that we are on a small scale, but I really need to accelerate her play dates, making friends and doing things with other children.  This is a huge miss for us, while we have started doing this, not at the level we should.  So operation play date will be taking full force!! 
Now for a few funny things she has been saying/doing lately..
1. touches my belly, oh mommy belly too full
2. Mommy peasant (this was taught to her by Duane!) she is the queen
3. in watching the Brady Bunch- she thought in the song where it talks about the golden hair of the girls- that is said 3 terrible girls!
A few other things, she is a candy freak!! LOVES it!  at the store yesterday she wanted candy so I am now having her buy it, it was pretty funny to watch her maneuver through value and desire!
She is still dancing every second of the day that she can!
She wants to take some sort of an instrument lesson!- I am thinking drums- although I know piano is the best option, but she loves to pretend to beat on drums
Food is still a sore subject around here, it is her connection to her home, ALTHOUGH, at the store yesterday when we saw Naan bread she hugged and kissed it, when 3 weeks ago she was choking it down!
She is not thrilled with swim lessons, loves the water but not to sure of the lessons, we will see after today it is the 2nd one so maybe it will be better.
Math is definitely her favorite subject and the Bible is her favorite book. 
She is a perfect 7ish year old!!!


  1. a playdate with Ruby would be good! ;-)

  2. We wished with lived closer! Grace would LOVE a playdate with Chaltu!

  3. Great post! You are so in tune with C; she's a lucky girl. When you are creating those new memories be sure to take photos. M loves to look at pictures of his life in America. My next step is to make photo albums of our trips to Eth. as well as our first 6 months home. Right now they are all on the computer for the most part. He will look our older albums and I can tell he's bummed to not be in any of them. He will ask about the pictures and ask if it was taken before or after he came here... so observant are these little ones...

  4. Great post...It's so bittersweet. "queen" Chaltu sounds like an amazing little girl with an amazing mommy :)
